Spotlight Warrior: Sean Carlo

Sean Carlo was on fire this week!  Not only was he my go-to guy when it came to hosting this year's Can Carnival, he decided to throw a PhilanthroParty for his 10th birthday. He had an awesome bowling party,  AND....instead of accepting presents, he asked for donations to the Los Angeles Mission.  SC is passionate about helping the homeless, and has that LemonAID Warrior spirit, along with being a great friend to my brother.

Spotlight Warriors: Chase and Arabella

Teaming up is double the fun! Chase and Arabella are two of the most enthusiastic and hardworking LemonAID Warriors I've ever met. When you put them together, they are unstoppable! Their PhilanthroParty LemonAID stand  was a huge hit.  Arabella is supporting a gorilla named Bosco, and Chase has joined me to help build wells in Africa for Blood:Water Mission. I can't wait to go to their next event!

Spotlight Warrior: Madison

Welcome new LemonAID Warrior leader, Madison! Maddie's been spreading the word about LemonAID Warriors at her school. She's also offered to help organize our next event, 2011 Crazy Can Carnival. She wrote this article for her school paper. She's also invited me to come speak to her whole school! Maddie has a unique ability to inspire people. and we are going to do great things together. Thanks Maddie!

Spotlight Warriors: Katie and Alexis

Congratulations Alexis and Katie for winning the LemonAID Warriors Pucker Face Contests! Alexis was the winner of the first contest  at the AllyKatzz Tween Summit with her unforgettably hilarious Pucker Face.  Katie won when I held the contest at the United Nations Year of Youth Celebration.  Does Katie look familiar? Yes, she is the Katie, founder of Katie's Krops! Katie's Krops is an amazing organization that grows crops to feed the homeless. They both win a personalized case of Jones Soda with these photos on them. Katie's going to give her  personalized case of Jones Sodas to the people at her local shelter. That's SO Katie!  A Pucker Face contest is a great way to raise awareness for your lemonade stand.  Try it! Katie                                                                                                                                               Alexis







Spotlight Warrior: Wyatt


A while ago I blogged about Wyatt’s amazing work for Oceana when he was one of my first Spotlight Warriors. He turns his love of art into an opportunity to save the ocean by making a claymation movie about the TrashMonster, and then selling his sculptures.  His work was honored by Oceana where he received an award and they made this movie.   Honestly, seriously watch this mini movie!!  Then check out his website.  Wyatt  is a true LemonAID Warrior, and I’m still his biggest fan!!!!!


Spotlight Warriors: Emma and Sophia!

Welcome new LemonAID Warriors Emma and Sophia! Emma and Sophia  held a very successful LemonAID Stand for my favorite charity, Blood:Water Mission and I am so grateful.   It was so successful, they were able to provide over 70 people with clean water for one whole year.  Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon!  I can’t wait to see what they do next.

By the way, you can also see Emma beside me in October’s issue of Los Angeles Magazine. 




Pucker Face Contest!

A simple contest is a great activity to add to your Philanthro-Party.  The Lemonaid Warriors held the 2nd Pucker Face Contest,  at the United Nation's Year of Youth Culmination Ceremony, hosted by Ally Katzz.   Contest pictures are here! About 200 girls were crazy enough to enter the contest, suck on a lemon, and have the chance to win a case of Jones soda with your hilarious pucker face the front. Now, it’s up to all of you to vote for the best pucker face here. Email me the code under your favorite photo at Screen Shot 2013-04-14 at 10.31.34 PM

LemonAID Week PhilanthroParty PLAN

Lemon:Aid Week from Blood:Water Mission on Vimeo.

You asked for it, so here it is!    A step by step guide to holding your very own LemonAID Week just like me and my 6th grade class did.  I made this short video for Blood:Water Mission to teach everyone how to get your local businesses involved in raising money to build wells in Africa.  Order your kit here Ask me for help and I will give you even more tips to make your LemonAID Week a huge success.  Send me your photos, too!

Vote for best Pucker Face Photos Here!

At  AllyKatzz Tween Summit 2010, in New York,  I held a Pucker Face contest to raise awareness for LemonAID Warriors and to give out information about my favorite charity Blood:Water Mission.  Hundreds lined up to suck a lemon and get a crazy picture taken of their silliest pucker face.  Check out these wacky photos and vote for your favorite! This year, Allykatzz is giving me a booth again at the International Year of Youth Culmination Ceremony. It takes place August 11th at the United Nations in New York!  I want to invite you LemonAID Warrirors to join me there for a day of inspirational fun.  If you can make it, download your application here Come and find me at my LemonAID Warrior booth!

2010 Pucker Face Photos Here!

At  AllyKatzz Tween Summit 2010, in New York,  I held a Pucker Face contest to raise awareness for LemonAID Warriors and to give out information about my favorite charity Blood:Water Mission.  Hundreds lined up to suck a lemon and get a crazy picture taken of their silliest pucker face.  Check out these wacky photos and vote for your favorite! This year, Allykatzz is giving me a booth again at the International Year of Youth Culmination Ceremony. It takes place August 11th at the United Nations in New York!  I want to invite you LemonAID Warrirors to join me there for a day of inspirational fun.  If you can make it, download your application here Come and find me at my LemonAID Warrior booth!

LemonAID Warriors

Quick! What's the first fundraiser you ever had? Most of you said "a lemonade stand," right? We are LemonAID Warriors not because we just sell lemonade, but because our fundraisers are as simple as your first lemonade stand. Small ideas are no small deal when we join together to make big things happen.  

I started this blog because because I love to fund raise. I do it a lot because I can't sit around and do nothing when someone needs my help. I learned that kids my age are very easy to motivate! We hear about a disaster, or people who need help and we immediately want to jump into action and raise some money. We have creative ideas and tons of energy, but we could a little help getting organized. We need a place to go to get a game plan. Figure out how to get it done right.  Usually we end up having to ask our parents and teachers to help. And, honestly, that kind of takes the excitement out of it. We feel more powerful and work harder, when we take control. On our own. Our own way. LemonAID Warrior website brings young fundraisers together to show everyone how powerful our generation can be.

"A Lemonade Stand is NO BIG DEAL!"

Oh yeah?! Watch this video and you'll take that back! 

The amazing staff at Blood:Water Mission screened this video at their Well:Done Celebration in Nashville on May 10th. They reached their goal to build 1000 wells in Africa and they had an amazing concert to celebrate. I was invited to talk on stage about LemonAID Warrior's work. Jars of Clay, the founders, performed with  HansonDerek Webb Sandra McCracken, and Eric Wainaina to raise over $100,000.00.


But the real stars of the show were the leaders from Africa who came all this way to let us know that our work matters. Michele from Rwanda told me that they are filled with joy that we care about them, even though they are strangers who live half a world away. He wanted me to say THANK YOU to all the lemonaid warriors!

LemonAID Warriors was started to spread the word that kids have the power to change the world on our own, our own way. Thank you, Blood:Water Missions, for helping me spread that message to my generation by supporting us and making us feel our work is important.

The Earth Rocked Japan, so We Rocked LA

Inspired by Jars of Clay, who combine music and fundraising for Blood:Water Mission, LemonAID Warriors took action for Japan.  We joined John Mazenko fromJoin The Band, to help him produce 3 concerts atHarpers and The Federal. 32 bands, with musicians aged 7 to 57 raised $4,000.00 at our Red Cross Relief Concert. At the concert, my band debuted an original song, Remedy, written by our lead singer Lauren Owens.

Here's our official video!

This event made me realize the two most important rules of successful fundraising. 

#1. Surround yourself with the right people. John from Join the Band is cool and laid back and works really hard. My good friends Lily and Lucy are wacky and fun and they keep my energy going hour after hour.  Kessa, our 3rd grade LemonAID Warrior has a huge heart, and came up with the best idea ever... she sold Japanese erasers at the door and it was a huge success!

#2. Do what you love. Music is my passion. Fundraising is my passion. Put them all together and you can't loose.

Posted by The Blog Poster at 3:17 PM 0 comments

Labels: Red Cross Relief Concert Japan Earthquake

Spotlight CANADIAN Warriors: Madi and Brynn

Welcome Canadian LemonAID Warriors!!!! Introducing Brynn and Maddie, founders of LemonAID Warriors Canada.  They  launched their first event and that's just the beginning. I am so grateful for their support and enthusiasm.  I'm going to learn a lot for them! Here's their first blog entry!

Event Results!

We had an amazing Stand For Clean Water yesterday raising$150 for Blood:Water Mission.  Together we have helped 150 people in Africa receive clean drinking water for an entire year.  Great Job Everyone!  Thank you for your support and enthusiasm.

Our Next Event!

We will be participating in the Oak Park Garage Sale on May 7th from 8:00am – Noon.  It would be great to see you there so we can work together to empower more kids to take action and support the causes that are important to them.


"Why'd the 6th graders cross the road?" "To build a well in Africa!"

Our Water: Walk raised over $3,000.00 for Blood: Water Mission and it was fun beyond our wildest dreams! Don't get me wrong. Lugging one gallon jugs of water for 2 miles wasn't easy. Now we know how kids in Africa feel everyday when they are forced to walk miles to fetch contaminated water because there's no clean water source in their villages. And we didn't have to deal with snakes, scorching heat, and soldiers with machine guns like they do. Instead, we were met with cars honking in support, as we passed generous stores who donated money as our sponsors.

Wanna be a hero to our friends in Africa and your friends at home? Throw a Water Walk birthday party!

Here's how to host a WaterWalk Philanthro-Party:

1. I joined with kids in my class who share my birthday month. We threw a combined birthday party and made it a Water Walk. Instead of presents, we only accepted donations.

2. We learned about the water crisis in Africa  on and I made a video presentation to our class. As a bonus, Mike and Jena from Blood:Water Missions came and talked to our whole school!

3. We asked stores along the route of the walk if they would donate and sponsor us, and I gave them posters to display from downloads at

4.The party started off on a busy street corner. I made signs like, "Clean Water For ALL!" and "Water for Africa." We got lots of attention for our cause. I counted 135 honks!

5. We walked for two miles, carrying one gallon jugs of water. It helped to carry the jugs on our heads!

6. At the end of the walk, we had a dance party. The Painted Nail Salon donated their Party Lounge and the DJ donated equipment.

sixth grade water walk
sixth grade water walk

You'll feel so amazing at the end of the walk. You'll dance and smile and laugh till it hurts! That's because you brought your friends together and you saved the lives of kids like you, halfway around the world. View All Photos Here!

Frosty Fund Raising!

Screen Shot 2013-04-14 at 10.41.49 PMDear Lulu; It's your cousins, Brynn and Madison up in snowy Canada. It's too cold for lemonade!  Tell your LemonAID Warriors about our Crazy Couzin's Cookie Campaign. Madison did it last year and raised a lot of money for Angiosarcoma Awareness. It's a fund raiser us norther kids can do while we wait for the sun to shine.

Dear Maddie and Brynn, Great idea! Here is a step by step breakdown of the fund raiser, complete with recipes.  Perfect for LemonAID Warriors who live in every climate!

Day One:

1. Bake 3 different, simple goodies. For example, Simple ShortbreadHoliday Bark, andChocolate Chip cookies. Cut them up in small sample sizes.

2. Make an Order Form: Get Sample Here!

3. Call every one you know to take orders. Then, go door to door to friends and neighbors that you know. No strangers. Offer the a sample. Take their orders. Tell them your delivery date and time. Give them information on your charity.

Day Two. 

1.Wrap up each order in something festive.

2. Include a thank you note, and information on the charity you are helping.

3. Deliver the goodies and collect the money.

4. Send the money to your charity! Here's Maddison's charity if you want to donate: in honor of  Robyn Pascaris. PS... Here's a picture to remind you that...the sun will shine!  Only 6 more months to go!!!!


PhilanthroParty Can Carnival

PhilanthroParty Can Carnival!

PhilanthroParty Can Carnival!

How can you add a LemonAID twist to a canned food drive? Try our Boys Vs Girls Can Carnival Competition! Check out my LemonAID Warriors on the TV show, Young Icons, to see how I collected over 400 cans after school one day!

The Plan:  Invite Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes. Admission price: 10 cans. Set up wacky carnival games that use cans. Win tickets for the cans you bring and the games you win. Count total tickets for boy's team and girl's team and announce the winner!  Sell snacks for your charity. Here are the games we played...

Tin Tower Toppler: You have 60 seconds to stack 15 cans

CANon Ball Toss: Set up cans in a pyramid and knock them down with a tennis ball

Tin Can Shooting Shed: Line up empty cans and shoot them down with a Nerf gun

Bowling for Soup: The cans are the pins. A basket ball is your bowling ball!

Tin Can Stilt Maze: Maketin can stilts. Draw a chalk maze. Finish it in 60 seconds.

Can Can Competition: Play Can Can music. You have 45 seconds to put on a crazy costume and do as many can-can kicks as you can.

See this PhilanthroParty in action on the TV show YOUNG ICONS!