
Sweet(est) 16 PhilanthroParty

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that I may never have a normal celebration again: philanthropy events and service are so worthwhile, and are even more effective when shared with others. People want to do good, they really do. It’s all about enabling that good to happen, and opening up segues for discussion, improvement, and awareness.  Many of the guests left saying it was the best party of their lives.  A few said it was the best day of their lives.  This was incredibly humbling to hear and is a testament to the power of emotional connection that was created--I think it was the charity aspect of the party that made it so successful. 

Morgan, 16 years old.

Let Morgan's story inspire you and share it with your friends!  Morgan has the heart, creativity and the leadership skills of a powerful Warrior.  Keep reading her story....

Meeting Lulu at KindCamp 2014, I was inspired by her idea of a philanthro-party event to make my birthday more meaningful. What society normally calls a “Sweet 16” celebration has the potential to be much more than that: instead of merely partying, it’s possible and sensible to make a difference in the world. Community service, charity, and animals have always been a huge part of my life, so I decided to combine these passions under one unified theme: benefitting a nationally recognized animal welfare/protection organization, the Humane Society of the United States. 

To give the event a mature, elegant feel, I went with a theme of “Rags to Riches.” When the guests arrived, we started off the day rock climbing, which served as an allegory for team building and the importance of helping each other along in the world.  The rock climbing allowed us to see the importance of trust and compassion and hard work; since we were belaying each other, our friends’ lives were in our hands. It was an experience that really grounded us and allowed us to develop empathy for one another as inhabitants of Earth: we  cheered for the girl reaching the next foothold, and shouted supportive words for the girl or losing her grip and dangling forty feet in the air....

When we arrived back home, I had set up a DIY garden gala setting with all-white drapes blowing in the breeze and a general theme of purity. I wanted my guests to feel relieved after exerting themselves for a few hours, and I wanted to emphasize how fortunate we are that we are able to experience something like a party, when many people and creatures on this earth do not know comfort. As we sat and dined, we discussed the significance of helping others and making the world a better place, and how best to do that when it seems like we are too young or otherwise too busy to do anything. There’s always a way to help, from donations to volunteering and everything in between. I asked that in lieu of gifts, my guests would bring donations for the Humane Society, and the funds we eventually raised to donate made the number 16 - and my birthday - seem insignificant in comparison, which is exactly how I hoped it would be.
What I really wanted my guests to garner from the experience was the sensation of coming together under the knowledge that if we’re all in this together, we can use resources wisely and make the most of our time here. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life, and it’s easy to forget that our actions have consequences. I wanted to bring that into perspective and have my guests focus on a larger theme of unification under a common goal. 

First Grade PhilanthroParty Carnival!

The last day of summer break can be the saddest day of the year.  But these LemonAID Warriors turned it into a big celebration.  They set up summertime fun activities and invited the class to meet the new kids. It was also one of the host's birthday.  He gave up presents and accepted donations to Children's Hospital instead.  They raised $1,000.00! One warrior said that running a LemonAID Stand was the last thing he had to check off his summer bucket list.  So my Extreme LemonAID Stand came in handy as we kicked off the new school year and celebrated a birthday in the best possible way.  THANK YOU for including me!

Watch what one of the hosts has planned for the day! 

Arts and crafts

Arts and crafts

They ended up raising $1,000 for Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Awesome!

PuckerFace PhilanthroParty Contest!

Check out our sure-fire way to put some pucker into any philanthroparty.  It's the perfect icebreaker to get the party started.  And after the party, you have a ton of amazing media to share plus a contest that can keep the party going for a full week after.  The contest keeps people coming back to LemonAID WArriors website, (or your causes's website) so they keep getting inspired.  If you send me your pucker face contest link, I will post it on my home page and your guests will have to come to my site to vote.  The hope is that they also see the Warriors I feature here and be inspired to do their own philanthroparty for their own causes!  I first tried this party when I spoke at the United Nations and was given a booth afterward to introduce LemonAID Warriors to youth activists from around the world.  It was such a hit, that I make sure to do one a year.  So if you are throwing a philanthroparty add a PuckerFace contest.  It's SO fun. 1.  Cut up a bunch of lemons in tiny wedges and place in a bowl.

2. Provide toothpicks, napkins and a trash bag nearby

3. Get your phone camera ready to shoot.

4. Have your guests suck on a lemon and then you shoot their best puckerface!

5.  The day after the party, upload the photos onto your facebook album and send the link to the album to your friends

6.  Instruct them to LIKE their  photo, and share the link with their friends to LIKE your photo too

7.  At the end of the week, the photo with the most LIKES, wins (prize or no prize.  its up to you)

Here's a collage I made of my last PuckerFace contest held at a fundraiser I did to raise money for a documentary that will feature Warriors from all over the country called ONE YEAR ROAD TRIP. 

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Spring Philanthro-Party Cooking Demo!

This beautiful spring afternoon PhilanthroParty combined organic gardening, conscientious cooking, a documentary,  and feeding the needy.   Here's the recipe! 1. Take a top local chef, Matt from Heirloom LA,  who donated his time, talent,  home-grown veggies... and 4 entirely WHOLE, lovingly raised chickens. To prepare us for a meal we will cook and serve at a homeless shelter, he taught  a bunch of us LemonAID Warriors how to cook  a healthy meal.

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2. Mix in a trip to Jasper's garden, grown courtesy of Katies Krops  for  Matt's tips about growing food that will eventually feed the hungry in our community.

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3. Top with  beautiful table decorations gathered from our yard and hand made napkins ( a special thank you to our newest Warrior, the compassionate and creative Juliet!)

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4. Serve and EAT with the Webb Family who cook with us and film the day as part of their youth activism documentary called One Year Road Trip.  

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6. This recipe and Matt's lessons will keep fresh in our minds till we recreate this meal and use our new cooking skills to feed the (formerly) homeless Easter Brunch at PATH.


With Easter approaching, Warrior, AVA through a PhilanthroParty for the 10th birthday. Click here to learn about AVA!   Instead of presents, she asked for donations to our local grocery store so we could buy the ingredients to cook this meal for LemonAID Warrior's Easter Brunch at PATH homeless Shelter.

ava and homa
ava and homa

The final pay-off of this PhilanthroParty was when we put our cooking lessons to work !  We through an Easter Brunch Party where we fed 60 homeless residents of PATH shelter in downtown Los Angeles.

Thanks to AVA, LemonAID Warriors were able to feed 60 residents at our Easter Brunch at PATH homeless shelter.
Thanks to AVA, LemonAID Warriors were able to feed 60 residents at our Easter Brunch at PATH homeless shelter.

Nicholas is our Warrior of the Week!

NIcholas' philanthroparty 2 Turing 6 is a big deal. It's when a kid turns into a big-kid.  And Nicholas is a big-kid with a big heart.  "My little sister needed to go to Sick Kids Hospital a few times so ... I chose to make donations there." He donated around $200.00 so far.  Nicholas and his friends played Limbo and Nicholas-Says and then had a cooking class and made pizza, even the dough.  The "giving" part of the party "made it just as fun" as a regular party and Nicholas wants to do it again!

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Easy Valentines Philanthro-Party

Maddy, LemonAID Warrior's Vice President co-creates exciting creative Philanthro-Parties with me.  We meet often to plan them and then test them out with her friends.  You can use my planning tips to help get you started. We met on Sunday and decided the birthday philanthro-party she threw in June would also make a great Valentines party... IMG_4116

Maddy's passion is to help kids with cancer so she met with a representative for pediatric cancer at USC  to research her cause. I introduced her to an organization run by a young girl Jen Rubino, called Cards For Hospitalized Kids, which distributes cards to sick children.  For the party we set up a card making station, and lemonade, of course!

art heart 5

You can also make crafty cards for seniors or  war veterans who could use some Valentines cheer.  Or Click here to download   instructions on the right things to say if you are sending a card to someone in the hospital.  

art heart patio grou[

In keeping with the arts and crafts theme, you can also ask your guests if they would like to bring  art supplies to donate to a children's hospital. Perfect for birthday or Valentines parties!

art heart group shot

At the end of the day we had 36 cards and a pile of donations.  Happy Valentines philanthro-partying!!!





MLK at Buckley School!

I spent Martin Luther King Jr Day with 250 amazing kids and parents from the Buckley school. I shared my action plans and talked about my work in Africa.  98 families pledged philanthro-parties.  I am so grateful for the chance to share my work.I had an art project where 110 kids drew self portraits on lemons for a chance to win a basket of goodies. And we have a winner…..Connor G. 5th Grade!

MLK Day at The Buckley School

To honor Dr. King, my Day of Service is being spent with The Buckley School's K - 5th grade Warriors!  I'm sharing LemonAID Warrior's PhilanthroParty action plans and talking about my passion for our friends in Africa.  Check out our art project  I'm using these photos and videos to tell my story

First LemonAID Stands

First lemonade stand

First lemonade stand

My discovery of the power of a single cup of lemonade to save a life.

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Watch the video!

Birthday PhilanthroParties are LemonAID Warrior's most popular events.  Ask for donations instead of presents or choose a party theme around a cause you love.  If you love puppies, have animal cake and decorations and ask for old towels and blankets to donate to shelters to keep the dogs warm.  If you love football, then maybe you can play flag football at your party, and  ask your guests to bring sports shoes or cleats they have grown out of to donate to a boys shelter where they always need athletic gear.  Guest can choose to spend the money they would have on your present and take that same money and make a donation to the boys shelter or the animal shelter instead.

Here is my annual Water Walk Birthday PhilanthroParty.  I'm 14 and this will be my 4th one. Its so much fun.  We have a huge party after our water walk and I ask for donations instead of presents.


PhilanthroParties don't have to be about raising money.  There are skills you have that are really valuable that can help a lot of people.  For example, here are some warriors who love to sing.  So they practice 5 songs and then we visit senior homes and sing for old people who dont get a lot of visitors.  Then we stay for tea and snacks and have a visit.

Wyatt Workman

This is Wyatt.  He loves art.  At summer camp he and his friends wrote a story and  drew pictures about how the trash monster is ruining the ocean.  Then they made a book about it and a claymation movie.  The book is now at his school library, where kids can learn about saving the ocean.  He also sells it and has raised $6000.00. And his movie is shown on youtube and in schools to spread awareness for his passion which is the ocean.

Below was just a summer day when we were bored so we turned it into a little philanthroparty.  We went to the animal shelter, gave some love to some animals and then took photos of the animals and learned how to network them on facebook to try to find them homes.  My friend Mike filmed it and one day I want to make a movie about it,like Wyatt did.  To show kids how they can help animals.


ANd this is Brynn, who is an amazing artist.  She ran this art workshop for kids at an art charity event.  She did art with the kids and took care of them so the parents could go to the charity fund raiser. She also took donations for teaching them.

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Borrow this LemonAID Stand for our cause!!

rock the run copy
rock the run copy
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Picture 15

Natalie and Justin's Halloween PhilanthroParty!

LemonAID Warriors:Canada has new Warriors to cheer!  When Natalie learned about our Philanthro-Parties she recruited her little brother Justin and made the sweetest holiday of the year even sweeter! Here's what she has to say about her Halloween Costume Philapthro-Party... "We had games, we had bags with our names and put prizes in the bags, we watched a movie. We dressed in costumes and we had fun."  We collected " 4 bags of clothes and 76 cans of food...we counted them on the porch and put them in our wagon" We gave to St Vincent de Paul and The Oakville Fair Share Food Bank "so kids would be warm and not hungry. It was easy to ask my friends to help.  They were showing God's love."

They would like to do another philanthro-party "because we have fun and we get to help people.  Maybe we could have our friends bring toys and we could bring them to kids who spend Christmas in the hospital,"

These young warriors are already  thoughtful and compassionate leaders in their their community.  Share their story and inspire an army of young Warriors to  follow their  lead. A Simple Sweet Social way to Share!

Natalie and Justin's PhilanthroParty

Natalie and Justin's PhilanthroParty

Brynn and Jill! Canadian Warrior's ART FAIR THAT CARES!

Brynn and her aunt Jill are compassionate artists with a great idea. Jill asked the coordinator of a local art show to donate a booth.  Brynn joined in to help with a  painting workshop, in exchange for donations.  The booth was swamped and everyone left with a mini-masterpiece and a good feeling in their hearts for helping the cause: raising money to help their friend Robyn who is battling angiosarcoma.  You can donate here!    LOVE my Canadian Warriors so much!

Beauty Brunch Toilteries Drive!

Maddie and her friends were in the mood for a girly day.  Mani's and pedis and spa crafts.  She gave her beauty day a lemonaid twist and asked guests to bring toiletries donation for needy families.I asked some of my 8th grade friends to help out. On top of over 400 donations, the best thing about the day was how the younger girls inspired the teenagers with their compassion and enthusiasm. The older girls were role models for activism and caring to the ten year olds, who looked up to them.  WATCH the video I made and copy this party!!! You'll love it!

Gracie Skates her way to my heart....

It wasn't till I saw this video that I realized the impact of my partnership with Mattel and our Ghouls Helping Ghouls campaign.  Amazing kids I have never met, like Gracie, are learning how fun and easy it is to turn any social event into a chance to give.  I'm so grateful to have been given the platform on Monster High's website and to be inspired by someone like Gracie. 


Invitations and IDEAS!

PUNCHBOWL.COM AND LEMONAID WARRIORS UNITE! How do you get a big company to listen to a kid with an idea?  ASK!  I use for my Philanthro-Party Invitations because I love their donation icon.  Since people who go to Punchbowl are already planning parties, why not display my Philanthro-Party ideas to turn their party into a chance to give. So I emailed the president, Mr. Douglas, and he called me back immediately and said yes.  Then, I worked with Ariel and sent over my ideas.  She created this section called Party with a Purpose.  They also designed an actual Philanthro-Party Invitation.

TIP: Have a great idea?  Don't sit on it.  ASK!

CHECK OUT OUR PARTY WITH A PURPOSE site at  Scroll down for SO many amazing philanthro-party ideas for every season!

HANSON GIVES A DAM: A PhilanthroParty Concert. this was a big one.  A fancy version of our traditional back yard concerts.  We were going to do this in our back yard, but it grew too much.  I wrote a letter to Hanson after learning about their work in Africa.  I invited them to join me and my musician friends in a back yard concert...and they said yes.  I know!  Crazy, right?  How is it possible to have so much fun AND bring clean water to a village of 3,000 people? That's what Lemon:AID Warrior's Hanson Gives A Dam concert was all about.  Watch My Dam Party Movie below!  

Music and Mutts PHilanthroParty Concert!

My band, R.I.P. Adam Buttons, along with my brothers band, Chicken on Fire,  played a concert we arranged with our music teacher.   We spent the summer writing songs and rehearsing. We  sold snacks and drinks in the lobby for the dog rescue charity,  Love That Dog Hollywood. We ended up raising over $200.00 but the part was...a dog was adopted and saved from a kill-shelter.  I'm happy to announce that Bandit the straggly rat- dog went home with me and my brother!!!  We've been begging for a dog for years and it was a dream come true.  Check out my brother's original song with fellow warrior Sean Carlo (I sat in on drums)

Build-A-Bear does PhilanthroParties!

Did you know Build-A-Bear does Philanthroparties already? They don't call them that, but it's exactly what they are!  Check out how your next trip to Build-A-Bear can help a child in need.  Click here! I am so honored to be chosen as a 2012 Build-A-Bear Huggable Hero. There's not another company out there that does more to support youth activists. They're awarding an academic scholarship and donating $2,500 to a charity of my choice. I'm going with Blood:Water Mission and Katie's Krops. I'm off to Memphis to meet the other winners and work at St. Judes Children's Hospital for the day, then to St. Louis for the ceremony.

This is the video I made that helped me win the contest. Thank you Build-A-Bear!

Backyard Concert PhilanthroPARTY

This philanthroparty combined our our love of music with my passion to raise awareness for those without access to clean water.  To celebrate my bandmate's birthdays, we planned a Back Yard Concert complete with a signature Pucker Face Contest and a Dirty Water Dare.  I collected water from our local water source, like the girls in Africa do. It was disgusting and smelly even after it was purified and tested safe (which is not an option in Africa). We dared each other to drink these nasty "Swamp-tinis" and gained appreciation for the privilege of clean water.   Our band performed for the party guests, but the highlight was an appearance by The Good Mad, who donated their time to perform for our cause and helped us raise $1300.00.

I even got to play drums with The Good Mad!

The Good Mad w Lulu Cerone
The Good Mad w Lulu Cerone
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My band mate, Collin at the Pucker Face Contest above.

And would you drink this Swamp-tini?

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