
LemonAID Warriors

Quick! What's the first fundraiser you ever had? Most of you said "a lemonade stand," right? We are LemonAID Warriors not because we just sell lemonade, but because our fundraisers are as simple as your first lemonade stand. Small ideas are no small deal when we join together to make big things happen.  

I started this blog because because I love to fund raise. I do it a lot because I can't sit around and do nothing when someone needs my help. I learned that kids my age are very easy to motivate! We hear about a disaster, or people who need help and we immediately want to jump into action and raise some money. We have creative ideas and tons of energy, but we could a little help getting organized. We need a place to go to get a game plan. Figure out how to get it done right.  Usually we end up having to ask our parents and teachers to help. And, honestly, that kind of takes the excitement out of it. We feel more powerful and work harder, when we take control. On our own. Our own way. LemonAID Warrior website brings young fundraisers together to show everyone how powerful our generation can be.